ORDER OF WORSHIP September 15, 2024 | Page 6

weds | sept 18 | 6:30 pm young adult small group Trinity Church ’ s " Young Adult Small Group " is for individuals and couples who fall into the category of young adult ( 25-40 years ). Child care provided .
For more information , contact Nathan Bleecker , nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org
sat | sept 21 | 8:30 am | murr hall trinity men ’ s breakfast meeting
The Trinity Men are meeting on the third Saturday of the month at Trinity , in Murr Hall . All are invited to attend : men , women and youth .
Speaker : Michael Budniak , Hand in Hand Ministries , Trinity HS , Louisville , KY For more information , contact Tony Nelson at cinciredsOH227 @ yahoo . com

INdoor cookOUT

sun | sept 22 | 11:00 am & 12:15 pm | murr hall On Sunday , September 22nd , we will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs ( w / beans and chips ) for the congregation after both services . The first serving will be at 11:00 am and the second serving at 12:15 pm . You can eat inside in Murr Hall as it will undoubtedly be hot outside . We will be collecting a free will offering for the meal . Donations to benefit the Ellis family . We hope you will join us for fun , lunch and fellowship . There will be signup sheets in the Narthex on Sundays , so we can get an estimate of how many to prepare for , or you can RSVP to Tony Nelson at cinciredsOH227 @ yahoo . com
weds | sept 25 | 6 pm | murr hall dinner church
• 4th Wednesday Nights , 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm , in Murr Hall
• Greeting , Gathering , Meal , Prayer , Music , Scripture , Devotion , Discussion , Communion
• FREE – No charge , suggested donation of $ 5 / person to cover expenses
• RSVP by Sept . 22 ( this will aid us in the meal preparation )
Please contact the church office if you need a ride to Dinner Church and we will do our best to identify someone to pick you up .
Sign up at the Welcome Center on Sundays ! or contact the office at info @ trinityna . org or 812-944-2229
saturday | oct 12 | 8:30am – 5:00 pm | activities building
ERT Basic Training at Trinity ERT ’ s ( Early Disaster Response Team ) provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster . The work involves tarping , removing debris and cleaning out flooded areas . This one-day training will focus on working with those impacted by disaster , procedures , and site safety . Lunch , snacks and all materials will be provided . Deadline : Oct . 4th . For more info or to register , contact Ron Heustis at rlheustis @ gmail . com