ORDER OF WORSHIP September 15, 2024 | Page 7

Sundays 9 am Traditional Worship Service 10:15am Sunday school for all ages 11:15 am Casual Worship Service 4 pm Youth Group (# 38 )
Mondays 7 pm Praise Band Rehearsals ( Sanct )
Tuesdays 9 am – 12 pm Looming Mats (# 32 ) 2 pm Nominations Tm Mtg ( office )
Thursdays 7 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal ( Sanct )
Sept . 15 , Sunday 12:30 Let ’ s Taco ‘ bout Trinity ( MH ) Sept . 16 , Monday 6 pm Church Board Mtg ( AB ) Sept . 18 , Wednesday 12:30 pm Lunch w / Chris ( by appt ) 6:30 pm Young Adult Bible Study Sept . 21 , Saturday 8:30 am Men ’ s Breakfast Mtg ( MH ) Sept . 22 , Sunday 11 am & 12:15 pm Cook Out Eat In ( MH ) Sept . 24 , Tuesday 10:30 am Last Tuesday Book Club ( AB ) Sept . 25 , Wednesday 6:00 pm Church Dinner ( MH )
Sept . 8 , 2024
Multi-Media Sound : 9 am Roger Whaley 11:11 am Klein & Maggie Maetschke
Multi-Media Video : 9 am Brook Kramer 11:11 am Belinda Bishop
Head Ushers 9 am Greg Neely
11:11 am Jr . Herndon , Steve Driver Ushers 9 am Erv Baker , Dennis Feiock Liturgist 9 am Wayne Miller Sanctuary Greeter 9 am Carol Cook
11:11 am Chris &/ or Amber Jarvis Canopy Door Greeter 9 am Joyce Arnold
11:11 am Russ &/ or Theresa Goodlin Welcome Center 9 am Sub needed
11:11 am Linda Driver Coffee Table Snacks today UTL Sunday school class Pray for Pastor from home Guy Wall Bereavement Team Leader September Jan McCauley prayer concerns If you have a friend or family member that you ’ d like to be included in the Prayer Concerns , please contact Rev . Vangie Cannon at emcannon42 @ gmail . com or call the office at 812-944-2229 or fill out a Prayer request form , located in the pews , and drop in the offering plate . Let us pray for comfort for all who are in trouble , sorrow , need , sickness or any other adversity , especially for Trinity ’ s shut-ins .
Care Friends List with mailing addresses is available in the Narthex .