ORDER OF WORSHIP September 15, 2024 | Page 5

The altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in and loving memory of Joseph & Vera Wheat , by Cathy Resler and Gayle Hutchens .
sept 15 | TODAY ! | 12:30 pm | murr hall let ’ s taco ‘ bout trinity church !
Want to learn more about Trinity ? Join Pastor Chris and others for a time of conversation and tacos ... on us ! This is a casual environment to meet Pastor Chris , learn more about Trinity , our ministries , opportunities to connect , and next steps for involvement at Trinity . If you ' ve been visiting or attending for some time , you ' re invited to “ Taco ‘ bout Trinity ” with Pastor Chris ! Hope to see you there this afternoon . Kids are welcome too !
sept 18 | weds | 12:30 pm | off campus restaurant lunch with pastor chris
• 3rd Wednesday at 12:30 pm
• One person or couple
• Reservation required ( RSVP today ! thru the church office ) RSVP by Sept . 15 at 812-944-2229 or mary . evans @ trinityna . org
Youth Sunday school ( 10:15 am ) and our Sunday evening get-together ( 4 pm ) ( AKA “ Youth Group ”) are meeting in-person . We hang out , play games , go on field trips and learn about God / Church . If you are a teen in grades 6-12 , then come join us in the Youth Room (# 38 )! Got questions ? Contact the Youth Pastor , Nate Bleecker at nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org or at 812-786-1311
Children ’ s Sunday school For children age 4 years – 5 th grade , join us in Room # 9 at 10:15 am to participate in Sunday school .
Kids ’ Church is available in Room # 9 for children ages 4 years through 5 th grade following the Kids ’ Moment in the service . Certified members will share Bible stories , music , and activities . Parents and grandparents are welcome to come with the children . Children will return to the sanctuary for communion .
Christa McCarrick , Children ’ s Ministry Coordinator , at kids @ trinityna . org