Daybreak: The Latest at Trinity Church July 2024 | Page 7

july 2 | 11 am | activities building trinity women mark your calendar !
Please plan to come , bring a friend , and celebrate Independence Day ! So , find something that is red , white or blue to wear . JayC Chicken is on the menu . Please bring a vegetable , salad , or a dessert . Please bring paper towels for Breakaway .
Planning Session at the July 2 nd meeting : Trinity Women will be the hosts of the 4 th Wednesday DINNER CHURCH on July 24 th . We need everyone who can to plan on attending the planning session and work on the 24th or prepare certain foods . So , if you can ’ t attend the meeting , let Sue or Rhea know how you can help . We are focusing on an OLD-FASHIONED PATRIOTIC CHURCH PICNIC . Judy Wall needs delicious recipes for a cookbook that will be sold at the Holidays Craft Fair . These can be for any type of food and can be placed in the box at the Welcome Center .
For more information , please contact Sue Lane or Rhea Higdon .
weds evenings , 2x per month | 6:30 pm young adult small group Trinity Church ’ s " Young Adult Small Group " is for individuals and couples who fall into the category of young adult ( 25-40 years ). Child care provided .
For more information , contact Nathan Bleecker , nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org
thursday , july 11 at 11:30 at Rubbin Butts , 8007 Country Hwy 311 Sellersburg ladies free for lunch bunch
Trinity ladies are invited to join Free for Lunch Bunch for the July outing at Rubbin Butts in Sellersburg at 11:30 . Please note this is the second Thursday in July due to the holiday . If you want to car pool , be at Trinity at 10:50 am and we will leave at 11:00 am or meet us at Rubbin Butts at 11:30 am .
RSVP to Rita Marking or contact the church office at 812-944-2229
july 20 | saturday | 8:30 am | murr hall trinity men ’ s breakfast meeting
The Trinity Men are meeting on the third Saturday of the month at Trinity , in Murr Hall . All are invited to attend : men , women and youth .
For more information , contact Tony Nelson at cinciredsOH227 @ yahoo . com