Daybreak: The Latest at Trinity Church July 2024 | Page 6

Got questions ? Contact the Youth Pastor , Nate Bleecker at nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org or at 812-786-1311
Children ’ s Sunday school
For children age 4 years – 5th grade , join us in Room # 9 at 10:15 am to participate in Sunday school .
Kids ’ Church is available in Room # 9 for children ages 4 years through 5th grade following the Kids ’ Moment in the service . Children will need to be picked up in the gym following the service .
We are doing a traditional one room schoolhouse model for our educational program at Trinity Church . I want to encourage you to help our education program . We want to get parents and other church members involved more in our education program . We need teachers for all 3 hours of programming each Sunday morning . Your help is needed . I want our kids to learn about our other parents . I know it is hard to teach your child . However , it is important for kids to see their parents in a different light . Yes , it is awkward to teach your kids . Please sign up for a week or two , this next year . Most of our lessons are very easy . Pick a week during a slower time in your busy life . Our kids need to see all members as leaders in our church . So much church business goes on without a child seeing it . Yes , sometimes a church council or committee meeting can be boring to most adults . Our kids should not need to be present for this work . Yet , kids need to see how the church works . We need to live out our faith by leading the younger generation . This act of faith they will remember and learn to be active in their faith walk , by supporting the church with their time . This is a goal of our educational program , to learn how to practically do faithful church work , no matter who you are or your talents / vocation . Volunteer training for our fall event Trinity Kids is looking for a few people who are willing to watch a few training videos from home on the internet , and be hosts for our Trunk or Treat Event in October 2024 . To sign up , get with Christa . We will have a walk-through in early October on what to do as a host for the Trunk or Treat Event . We will need lots of helpers with a strong commitment to make this a successful event .
For more info , contact Christa McCarrick , at 267-393-0330 ( text too ) or kids @ trinityna . org