Daybreak: The Latest at Trinity Church July 2024 | Page 8

Sunday Morning Servant Ministers Needed

Volunteers enhance the worship experience for everyone !
Are You Interested ? Would you like to be one of Trinity ’ s Servant Ministers ? Please consider volunteering for one of several important aspects of the Trinity Church ministry . A new rotation will be starting August . Please check the ways you would like to serve and return the completed form to the office by July 14 . Training will be provided .
I would like to volunteer at the ______ 9:00am Service In one of the following positions :
______ 11:11am Service
________ usher – extend hospitality to everyone who enters our building as they arrive for the service , assist people in finding seats , and collect the offering
________ canopy door greeter – greet everyone as they enter , hold door open , great smile required ________ sanctuary door greeter - welcome all as they enter the sanctuary , offer a service program
________ welcome center – extend hospitality , respond to member & guest needs , promote programs and activities , show guests around the building
________ sound booth operator – tech savvy ? we need you ! Contact nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org ________ camera operator – tech savvy ? we need you , too ! Contact nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org ________ liturgist ( 9am ) ________ communion steward ( 9am ) Name ____________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________________
Return the completed form to the Church Office or email to info @ trinityna . org
Heifer International Mission - We are so thankful for our families for their donations to Heifer International , our April mission project . In May , we raised $ 140 , enough money to purchase a pig ; in June , a pig and a flock of chickens were purchased for a family in need .
• TLC will be closed on July 4th , and July 22 - July 31 .
• Class Open Houses will be Thursday and Friday , August 1 & 2 at 9:00 am
• Orientation classes are Monday and Tuesday , August 5 & 6
• Family meeting is Tuesday , August 6 at 6:30 pm in Murr Hall
• Our regular class schedule , including early late care , begins Wednesday , August 7
Preschool registration is open for Fall 2024 ! For class and tuition information go to https :// www . trinitylearningministry . org / classes . html
For fall registration on brightwheel ©, email office @ trinitylearningministry . org or call 812-944-2251