Order of Worship July 7, 2024 | Page 5

Trinity Church invites you to give toward our church ' s Compassion Fund as a communion offering . These dollars are primarily used to offer assistance both directly and indirectly to individuals in need . Please place your gift in the small envelope marked " communion offering " located in the pews and drop it into the offering plate . You may also give electronically in the " other " category - note " communion offering " in the message section . Thank you for sharing your blessings .
Children ’ s Sunday school - For children age 4 years – 5 th grade , join us in Room # 9 at 10:15 am . Kids ’ Church is available in Room # 9 for children ages 4 years through 5th grade following the Kids ’ Moment in the service . Children will need to be picked up in the gym following the service .
volunteers needed for our fall event ! Trinity Kids is looking for a few people who are willing to be hosts for our Trunk or Treat Event in October 2024 . Trinity Kids is putting into place , Growing Younger strategies . Sign up for at home training . We will have a walkthrough in early October on what to do as a host for the Trunk or Treat Event .
For more info , contact Christa McCarrick , at 267-393-0330 ( text too ) or kids @ trinityna . org
Youth Sunday school ( 10:15 am ) and our Sunday evening Youth Group ( 4 pm ) are for teens in grades 6-12 . We hang out , play games , go on field trips and learn about God / Church . Come join us in the Youth Room (# 38 )!
For more info , contact Nathan Bleecker at nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org
july 10 | weds | 6 pm | activities building dinner with pastor chris & dolli
• 2nd Wednesday Nights , 6:00 – 7:30 pm
• Greeting , Gathering , Meal , Prayer , Discussion
• FREE – Reservation required , 12 people max
• RSVP TODAY ! Sign up sheet at the Welcome Center . RSVP at 812-944-2229 or chris . neikirk @ trinityna . org
thursday , july 11 at 11:30 at Rubbin Butts , 8007 Country Hwy 311 Sellersburg ladies free for lunch bunch
Trinity ladies are invited to join Free for Lunch Bunch for the July outing at Rubbin Butts in Sellersburg at 11:30 . Please note this is the second Thursday in July due to the holiday . If you want to car pool , be at Trinity at 10:50 am and we will leave at 11:00 am or meet us at Rubbin Butts at 11:30 am .
RSVP to Rita Marking at 502-396-7522 or contact the church office at 812-944-2229
july 20 | saturday | 8:30 am | murr hall trinity men ’ s breakfast meeting
The Trinity Men are meeting on the third Saturday of the month at Trinity , in Murr Hall . All are invited to attend : men , women and youth .
For more info , contact Tony Nelson at cinciredsOH227 @ yahoo . com