Order of Worship July 21, 2024 | Page 7

tuesdays in july | 9am | mat making looming at trinity in july
Please come and weave mats ! It is a fantastic way to make new friends while mats for the unhoused in our community . Weaving will be done each Tuesday morning in July from 9am-12 noon in Mission Depot ( rooms 31-32 ). On July 30 weave a while before the Last Tuesday Book Club , then attend the meeting .
For more information or to schedule a different time to weave , contact Patti Anderson , Jane Heustis , Joris Kramer or call the church office at 812-944-2229 .
thurs | aug 1 | brown hotel free for lunch bunch
Trinity ladies are invited to join Free for Lunch Bunch for the August 1 , 2024 outing to the Brown Hotel at 335 West Broadway , Louisville , Kentucky 40202 . Please meet at Trinity at 11:00 am . We will be taking the bus . Our reservation is for 11:30 am . If you wish to drive and / or you are carpooling , please meet at the Trinity to check in . RSVP Sarah Summers or the church office at ( 812 ) 944-2229 or info @ trinityna . org
All Trinity Women and friends are invited to Tuesday , August 6th meeting in the Activities Building at 11:00 am . Please plan to come even if you are late or need to leave early . We are sharing our talents or hobbies with each other or you can just enjoy learning more about others . We will also start planning for the Craft Fair . Thank you to all who sent in recipes for the cookbook that will be sold at the Holidays Craft Fair on October 19 . Ham will be provided . Please bring a vegetable , salad or dessert . * Please bring paper towels for Breakaway . * Please remember that you can always weave mats before the meeting around 9:00 .
For more info contact Sue Lane or Rhea Higdon or the church office at 812-944-2229 .
take advantage of back-to-school sales !
Trinity is collecting school supplies for Slate Run Elementary students and teachers ! Items needed : Composition notebooks , folders with 3 prongs and pockets , # 2 pencils ( pre-sharpened appreciated ), pink erasers , glue sticks , crayons , markers , dry erase markers-especially black , highlighters , ink pens , boxes of tissues , hand sanitizer , baby wipes , zip lock bags ( sandwich and gallon ), sticky note pads . If you prefer to make a monetary donation , be sure to indicate it is for school supplies .
Donations can be place in the carts in the Narthex . ~ Thank you from Church and Society
would you like to be one of trinity ’ s office angels ? the office angel ministry team needs you ! We are looking for office receptionists , men or women , willing to work a half-day per week on a weekly basis . You can work short-term or long-term , we ’ ll work with your schedule . This is a non-paid position that includes answering phones , greeting visitors and at times some light clerical work . Half day openings available .
All interested persons should contact the church office at mary . evans @ trinityna . org or 812-944-2229 .