Order of Worship July 21, 2024 | Page 6

repeated group meetings
Sundays 9 am Traditional Worship ( Sanctuary ) 10:15 am Sunday school – all ages 11:11 am Casual Worship ( Sanctuary ) 4 pm Youth Group ( MH , Gym , Kitchen , # 38 )
Mondays 7 pm Praise Band Rehearsal ( Sanctuary )
Tuesdays 9 am Looming (# 32 )
Wed , July 24 6 pm Dinner Church ( MH ) Sunday , July 28 Youth Sunday Tues , July 30 9 am Looming (# 32 ) 10:30 am Last Tues . Book Club ( AB ) August 1 & 2 9 am TLC Open House ( all facility ) Sat , August 3 9am Driver baking ( Kit , MH ) Sun , August 4 10:15 am Coffee w / the Pastor
July 21 , 2024
Multi-Media Sound : 9 am Roger Whaley 11:11 am Klein & Maggie Maetschke
Multi-Media Video : 9 am Brook Kramer 11:11 am Belinda Bishop
Head Ushers 9 am Greg Neely
11:11 am Jr . Herndon , Steve Driver Ushers 9 am Kevin Roth , Gib Kinney , Bill Shofner ( sub ) Liturgist 9 am Janey Whaley ( sub )
Sanctuary Greeter 9 am Jean Seville ( sub ) 11:11 am Linda McGilliard
Canopy Door Greeter 9 am Jan McCauley 11:11 am Ellen &/ or Steve Reising
Welcome Center 9 am Nancy Hottell
11:11 am Rita Marking Pray for Pastor from home Dora Largent Bereavement Team Leader July Carol Cook
prayer concerns
If you have a friend or family member that you ’ d like to be included in the Prayer Concerns , please contact Rev . Vangie Cannon at emcannon42 @ gmail . com or call the office at 812-944-2229 or fill out a Prayer request form , located in the pews , and drop in the offering plate .
Let us pray for comfort for all who are in trouble , sorrow , need , sickness or any other adversity , especially for Trinity ’ s shut-ins . Care Friends List with mailing addresses is available in the Narthex .