Order of Worship July 14, 2024 | Page 5

Children ’ s Sunday school - For children age 4 years – 5 th grade , join us in Room # 9 at 10:15 am . Kids ’ Church is available in Room # 9 for children ages 4 years through 5th grade following the Kids ’ Moment in the service . Children will need to be picked up in the gym following the service .
volunteers needed for our fall event ! Trinity Kids is looking for a few people who are willing to be hosts for our Trunk or Treat Event in October 2024 . Trinity Kids is putting into place , Growing Younger strategies . Sign up for at home training . We will have a walkthrough in early October on what to do as a host for the Trunk or Treat Event .
For more info , contact Christa McCarrick , at 267-393-0330 ( text too ) or kids @ trinityna . org
weds evenings , 2x per month | 6:30 pm young adult small group
Trinity Church ’ s " Young Adult Small Group " is led by Linda and Tom McGilliard . This is for individuals and couples who fall into the category of young adult ( 25- 40 years ). They will be meeting in class member homes during the Summer . Child care provided .
For more information , contact Nathan Bleecker at nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org or at 812-786-1311
bereavement team meeting
July 17 - 4:00 pm - Room 7 / 8 Do you like to feed the hungry ?; Do you have a compassion for those in sorrow ?; Do you want to be part of a ministry at Trinity ? If you answered yes to any of the above questions , this is the team for you ! Trinity ’ s Bereavement team serves or takes meals to Trinity members who have lost a beloved immediate family member . This may be at the church , the funeral home or the member ’ s house . We need people to donate food , organize the meals , serve the meals , and clean up . Join us as we reorganize and discuss this service . Many hands make of light work !
For more information or to volunteer , contact Jan McCauley or the church office .
Sunday Morning Servant Ministers Needed
Are You Interested ? Would you like to be one of Trinity ’ s Servant Ministers ? Please consider volunteering for one of several important aspects of the Trinity Church ministry . A new rotation will be starting August . Please check the ways you would like to serve and return the completed form to the office by July 14 . Training will be provided .
Pick up a sign-up form at the Welcome Center , complete and return it to the Church Office or email to mary . evans @ trinityna . org
would you like to be one of trinity ’ s office angels ? the office angel ministry team needs you ! We are looking for office receptionists , men or women , willing to work a half-day per week on a weekly basis . You can work short-term or long-term , we ’ ll work with your schedule . This is a non-paid position that includes answering phones , greeting visitors and at times some light clerical work . Half day openings available .
All interested persons should contact the church office at mary . evans @ trinityna . org or 812-944-2229 .