congratulations preschool staff ! In October , for the seventh year in a row , we passed out Indiana Paths to Quality Level 4 rating renewal visit . The rater has visited our program multiple times . She is always impressed with our staff / child interactions . If you know anyone interested in a high-quality preschool program , we have a few spots open in all our classes beginning in January .
mitten tree mission project In conjunction with Trinity ' s Angel Tree Program , preschool will be collecting new hats , mittens , and scarves for children to be distributed during gift pick up . Donations may be placed on the tree , just outside of the Murr Hall interior door entrance . Deadline : Monday , December 16 .
thank you , trinity members , for your donations of art / craft items . Buttons , ribbon , rocks , and lace have been distributed for creative use . If you like to wrap your Christmas presents early , we would appreciate donations of leftover wrapping paper for gift wrap practice , cotton balls , holiday stickers , Christmas cards , or tissue paper . White tissue paper makes great snowballs for ' fights ' in the gym !
Gwyn Welliver , Director | office @ trinitylearningministry . org | 812-944-2251 , ext . 120
last tuesday book club There will not be a meeting of the Last Tuesday Book Club in the month of December .
needed : a volunteer , with a riding mower and trailer needed for one day , to mulch up the leaves on the Trinity Church property . Please get with the church office to select a day to do this job .
2025 flowery note Altar flowers are needed for 2025 ! If you are interested in providing altar flowers in honor or in memory of someone , please sign up for a date on the flower chart located in the hallway near the nametags . Flowers may be taken home following the 11:11 am service on Sunday morning . For more information , regarding the florist and your flower information for the bulletin announcement , contact the office at 812-944-2229 or at info @ trinityna . org . We thank everyone who participates in the altar flower program .
Sunday Worship : Notification of cancellations or delays on Sundays will be published on the broadcasts of Wave TV , WLKY TV & WDRB TV by 7:45 am on Sunday morning . If the first service is cancelled , then so are all Sunday school classes . We will make every reasonable effort to be open for worship at 11:11 am every Sunday morning . If a “ State of Emergency ” is announced , then all services and classes are cancelled . Members , guests and staff are always encouraged to observe all safety precautions by staying off the road during icy conditions . Weekdays : If NAFC Schools are closed or revert to on-line learning due to inclement weather , then the Trinity UMC office will be closed . If schools are on a 2-hour delay , then Trinity UMC office will be on a 2-hour delay . On some occasions , the office will be open when schools are closed ; it is suggested to call the church office before venturing out . If a “ State of Emergency ” is announced , then the church office is closed .