Daybreak: The Latest at Trinity Church July 2024 | Page 3

July Sundays at Trinity Church

July 7
Enough for Today Manna & Quail from Heaven Exodus 16:9-18
July 14
An Encounter with King David
Psalm 32:1-8,11
Dave Westfall , “ In Character ” as King David
Dave studied music and theater at Indiana University where he was a member of
the Singing Hoosiers . Dave eventually moved to New York where , for 15 years , he pursued his Broadway dreams . Dave has combined his seminary education
and artistic skills into a ministry of sharing the Gospel through acting and song . Dave puts his trust in God through Christ , believing God ’ s intentions will go far beyond his own expectations .
July 21
July 28
The Gentle Whisper of God Elijah ’ s Encounter with God 1 Kings 19:5-13
Youth Sunday - Nathan Bleecker
Nathan Bleecker serves as Trinity ’ s Youth Ministry Director and Technical Coordinator . He has been with Trinity Church since 2017 , but his ministry calling actually started years before while working for a mission organization in Appalachia . Nate loved repairing homes and trying to meet some of the needs of the impoverished , but he found that he especially loved guiding groups of teenagers to do the same – helping them find purpose and community while being the hands and feet of Jesus . He believes that teens really need to belong to a loving community that accepts them for who they are now and supports them as they grow in Christ . He feels blessed to continue to live out his calling at Trinity Church , a place that definitely invests in its youth . Nate and his wife Lauren have been married since 2018 and they have a black lab , River . Nate ’ s hobbies include writing and recording music , frisbee golf , and beating anyone at Jenga .