Daybreak: The Latest at Trinity Church July 2024 | Page 2

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I am certain that if we focus on those three things , God will continue to bless and grow our church .
Are you hearing those words as you go about your daily life ? Encounter Encourage Engage .
Where did you Encounter God this week ? In worship on Sunday morning , during your quiet time at home , or while you experienced peace while wrestling with a difficult decision ? It ’ s a peculiar thing , the more we begin to pay attention to the presence of God , the more God seems to show up . This is not by accident . God is always present ; however , we sometimes fail to experience his presence because we are distracted . If you consciously seek God , you will find him !
Who did you Encourage this week ? Your spouse , your children , your grandchildren , a neighbor , or the waitress at your favorite restaurant ? When we look for people whom we can encourage , God seems to send more folks our way needing encouragement . With all the negativity in our world , I believe people are naturally drawn to people who encourage others , people who add value to their lives , and people who put a smile on their face . Are you one of those people ?
How did you Engage in living out your faith in our community ? Volunteering at a local non-profit , dropping off items to a food or clothing bank , serving meals at a local homeless shelter ? Living out our faith by giving back to our community is a tangible and active way we share the Gospel and there are plenty of opportunities to Engage our Community as we take the Light of Christ into dark places . Our faith is intended to be an active faith . We are first called to follow and then we are called to serve .
During our sermons , we will continue to explore characters from the Bible who had a divine encounter with God that was both encouraging and engaging . We will then apply that to our own lives . In addition to our sermons , on July 14th we will have an Encounter with King David as Dave Westfall once again shares his talents with us bringing us the character of King David .
God is at work among us at Trinity Church and I am excited about the coming months . The invitation extended by Jesus to his earliest disciples continues to be offered to us , “ Follow me .” Will we extend that invitation to others ? We may not always know where we are going , but we know whom we are following . God is faithful . Therefore , we expect great things and we are certain we will enjoy the ride !
Blessings !
Pastor Chris chris . neikirk @ trinityna . org
gluten-free wafers are available on Communion Sundays . The Gluten-free wafers are marked as such and are in zip locked baggies and they are on a table at the front left of the Sanctuary . They are free of gluten , wheat , dairy , yeast , eggs , soy , nuts , and corn . Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month at the 9am service , and every Sunday at the 11:11am service .
would you like to be one of trinity ’ s office angels ? the office angel ministry needs you !
We are looking for office receptionists , men or women , willing to work a half-day per week on a weekly basis . This is a non-paid position that includes answering phones , greeting visitors and at times some light clerical work . Current openings are Monday or Wednesday morning from 9:00 am to 12:30pm or Thursday afternoon from 12:30 pm to 4:00pm . Interested ? contact the church office at 812-944-2229 or mary . evans @ trinityna . org