Daybreak: The Latest at Trinity Church August 2024 | Page 5

chancel choir returns to the choir loft !

Dear Singers & Music Lovers : On Sunday , September 8th , 2024 , the Chancel Choir will again become part of the traditional worship service . As you know , the Chancel Choir plays a vital part in the worship experience of the church . The choir sets the atmosphere for worship , guides and cooperates with the congregation in its musical participation , and joins with the pastor in creating a significant and moving worship experience each Sunday morning .
If you would love to “ Make a Joyful Noise ,” the Chancel Choir will be back in full swing beginning with rehearsal on Thursday , Sept . 5th at 7:00 pm . in the Sanctuary . There is always room for another singer !!! One more ALWAYS makes a difference !! All adults , including students in grades 9 – 12 , are invited to join the Chancel Choir . Your membership in the choir will be a musical learning experience as well as a time for Christian fun and fellowship .
Below are five fantastic reasons for YOU to become immersed into the Chancel Choir !

Character : Choir helps build character . People who sing in the choir give one night a week and worship faithfully . These people have genuine character . ( You will likely find that some of them are REAL characters !)

Healthy : Choir makes you healthy ! How often do you get to exercise your lungs ? Your lungs are important to living . If you really want to enjoy living and be healthier , come and sing !!

Otherwise : Otherwise , it won ’ t be as much fun if you are not there . Otherwise , you will miss many opportunities to offer God expressions of praise and adoration .

Interesting : We will sing interesting music and you will hear interesting comments about your singing . You will meet some interesting characters ( see letter “ C ” above ).

Relaxation : After a stressful day of decision making – should I sell this , buy that , watch this , cook that – it will be so relaxing to have someone suggest that you , “ Sing this !”

Dr . David K . Lamb
If you have questions , please feel free to contact David Lamb at tumcnamusic @ gmail . com