Order of Worship May 12, 2024 | Page 2

C e l e b r a t i o n o f W o r s h i p May 12 , 2024 Mother ’ s Day 9:00 am ( All hymn numbers above 2000 are in The Faith We Sing )

WE ENTER TO WORSHIP PRELUDE Little Fugue in G minor J . S . Bach
GREETING AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ( Please register your attendance on the red attendance pad , located at the right end of each pew .)
* OPENING HYMN When Morning Gilds the Skies No . 185
* CALL TO WORSHIP Leader : Easter has passed , our savior has risen , and yet we are left wondering , “ What now ?” People : Like the disciples , we often find ourselves with more questions than answers about our place in the world in which we live . We are often fearful and afraid and wonder , “ What now ?”
Leader : In the midst of our doubts and fears , Jesus comes and brings peace . In the midst of our many questions , Jesus comes and brings peace . In the midst of a world full of chaos , Jesus comes and brings peace . All : Precious Lord , strengthen our faith and fill us with your peace . Amen
Carolyn Hamlin
The Chancel Choir
* DOXOLOGY No . 94
TRINITY KIDS ’ MOMENT After the " Trinity Kids ’ Moment ", children aged 4 yrs . – 5th grade are welcome to remain with their parents in church OR exit to the Narthex where they will be escorted to Room # 9 for a time of Christian activities , worship , singing and fellowship ( Trinity Kids ’ Church ) led by various church members .
JOYS AND CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER Please contact the church office to share any prayer concerns .
THE LORD ’ S PRAYER Our Father , who art in heaven , hallowed be thy name . Thy kingdom come , thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven . Give us this day our daily bread . And forgive us our trespasses , as we forgive those who trespass against us . And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil . For thine is the kingdom , and the power , and the glory , forever . AMEN .
Please turn off your cell phone or set it to silent-mode in consideration for other worshippers . Thank you .