Order of Worship June 9, 2024 | Page 6

Children ’ s Sunday school - For children age 4 years – 5 th grade , join us in Room # 9 at 10:15 am . Kids ’ Church is available in Room # 9 for children ages 4 years through 5th grade following the Kids ’ Moment in the service . Children will need to be picked up in the gym following the service .
volunteer training for our fall event Trinity Kids is looking for a few people who are willing to watch a few training videos from home on the internet , and be hosts for our Trunk or Treat Event in October 2024 . Trinity Kids is putting into place , Growing Younger strategies . We need your help to communicate loving and positive first impressions with new families . We need to train volunteers so we can Grow Younger . Let Christa McCarrick , know and she will get you signed up for at home training . We will have a walk-through in early October on what to do as a host for the Trunk or Treat Event . Trinity Church has had a tradition of hosting a Trunk or Treat Event . The Trinity Kids Committee is wanting to restart this promotional event . We will need lots of helpers for this event . We need a strong commitment and congregational help for this event to happen .
For more info , contact Christa McCarrick , at 267-393-0330 ( text too ) or kids @ trinityna . org
Youth Sunday school ( 10:15 am ) and our Sunday evening Youth Group ( 4 pm ) are for teens in grades 6-12 . We hang out , play games , go on field trips and learn about God / Church . Come join us in the Youth Room (# 38 )!
For more info , contact Nathan Bleecker at nathan . bleecker @ trinityna . org
sat | june 15 | 8:30 am | murr hall trinity men ’ s breakfast meeting
The Trinity Men are meeting on the third Saturday of the month at Trinity , in Murr Hall . All are invited to attend : men , women and youth .
For more information , contact Tony Nelson at cinciredsOH227 @ yahoo . com or the church office at 812-944-2229
weds | june 19 | 6:30 pm | activities building young adult small group
Trinity Church ’ s " Young Adult Small Group " is led by Linda and Tom McGilliard . This is for individuals and couples who fall into the category of young adult ( 25-40 years ). Child care provided .
For more information or to arrange child care , contact Linda McGilliard , or contact the church office at ( 812 ) 944-2229 or info @ trinityna . org