ORDER OF WORSHIP February 2, 2025 | Page 5

feb 2 | 10:15 am | office conference room coffee with the pastor today !

feb 2 | 10:15 am | office conference room coffee with the pastor today !

Come and connect with Pastor Chris the first Sunday of the month . Get a special brewed coffee from the Narthex and then gather in the church office conference room for a casual “ get-to-know-you ” time for new folks and old folks . Join in on the conversation . mark your calendar ! mission sunday is february 9 th !
Next Sunday , Mission Sunday , our guest pastor is Pastor Jim Moon . Rev . Moon is pastor at Elevate Church in Jeffersonville and Director of Catalyst Ministry . He has served in the Methodist Church for 27 years . All are invited to gather in Murr Hall between services for a great breakfast and to celebrate all the ministries that Trinity supports .
info meeting for spring RED BIRD MISSION TRIP
Whether you have gone before or are just curious about Red Bird Mission in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains , you are invited to an information meeting on Saturday , February 15 th ( 11 am ) in the Trinity Activities Bldg , where we will discuss details about the upcoming spring trip . Depart after worship on Sun April 27 th , returning Thurs May 1 st ( in time for Derby festivities !) and serve wherever needed — pack and distribute food boxes , work in the baby pantry or thrift shop , help with grounds / maintenance , or something else ! Questions ? Contact Pastor Cheryl Garbe ( cheryl . garbe @ inumc . org ) or Melissa Desmond ( MelissaDesmond @ aol . com ).
feb 4 | tuesday | 11 am | activities building trinity women to have a valentines themed meeting
Please come and bring a friend on Tuesday , Feb . 4 th at 11:00 in the Activities Building . Valentines will be our theme so wear something red , white , or pink . Trinity Men are always welcome . Come and plan to eat and have a good time . Our speaker will be the Community Spokesperson from Health Hosparus . Our pitch-in will be crockpot soup , sandwiches and desserts . Sign up for door prizes . Please remember to bring your $ 19.00 in dues payable to Trinity United Methodist Women and paper towels for Breakaway . ( We have not collected since November .)
Children ’ s Sunday school
For children age 4 years – 5 th grade , join us in Room # 9 at 10:15 am to participate in Sunday school .
Kids ’ Church is available in Room # 9 for children ages 4 years through 5 th grade following the Kids ’ Moment in the service . Contact : Christa McCarrick , Children ’ s Ministry Coordinator , at kids @ trinityna . org