today we welcome new members . . .
. . . Nicholas & Jordan White Nick is joining by Letter of Transfer from 4th Avenue Methodist Church , in Louisville , KY . Jordan is joining by Profession of Faith / Baptism . Nick is the Louisville District Manager of Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits and Jordan is a teacher with Greater Clark County Schools . They have a 3 year old , Kallen . They live in New Albany . . . . Tim D . Cooke by Letter of Transfer from Northside Church , New Albany . Tim is retired from New Albany Fire Department , the brother of Diana Adams , and lives in New Albany . Tim has two adult children , Angela and Timberly . . . . Miles McCart is joining by Letter of Transfer from Graceland Baptist Church , New Albany . Miles is retired and enjoys living in Clarksville , IN . . . . Brandon & Courtney Ellis are both joining by Profession of Faith . Brandon is a Heavy Equipment Mechanic with Toyota Prolift and Courtney is a Property Manger at Gene B Click Co . Inc . They have two children , EmmaRuth ( 11 year old ) and AllieRae ( 9 year old ). All are involved with the Children ’ s Ministry and reside in New Albany .
. . . Saisha & Kaleb Meridith are both joining by Profession of Faith , Kaleb will be Baptized . The Meridith ’ s have two children Nella , 6 years and Linley , 2 years old , and they reside in New Albany .
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of his grandmother , Clara Mae Bigler , by Joe White .
feb 18 | tuesday | 10 am | activities building you ’ re invited to a free movie showing !
The Trinity Last Tuesday Book Club invites you to attend the showing of “ Jane Eyre ” on
Tuesday , February 18th in the Activities Building at Trinity Church ! The movie will start at 10 am , so come early . This movie complements the book club ’ s reading assignment of the novel Jane Eyre , which will be discussed on February 25 at 10:30 am in the Activities Building . Whether you read the book or saw the movie , join us as we discuss this book .
feb 19 | wednesday | 12:30 pm | off campus restaurant lunch with pastor chris
• 3rd Wednesday at 12:30 pm
• One person or couple
• Reservation required ( RSVP thru the church office )
RSVP at 812-944-2229 or mary . evans @ trinityna . org