Daybreak | The Latest Happenings at Trinity January 2025 | Page 2

jan 5 | 10:15 am | office conference room coffee with the pastor
continued from page 1 . . .
Perhaps 2025 could be a year of letting go for you ? So , let me offer you a few things you might consider letting go in 2025 … Let go of the guilt of sin . Jesus died to remove the guilt of our sin and God offers forgiveness that we need only accept . Let go of the shame of past failures . We don ’ t get “ do-overs ” in life . What ’ s done is done and we can only move forward attempting not to repeat the mistakes of the past . Let go of the pain caused by others . Forgive and move on . Forgiveness doesn ’ t mean it was acceptable for them to hurt you . Forgiveness means you will release the heavy burden of holding on to past hurts . Let go of failed relationships . Do you need to apologize and ask someone for forgiveness ? Do you need to “ bury the hatchet ” to reconcile or repair a broken relationship with a friend or family member ? Let go of perfectionist tendencies . Nobody is perfect . Cut yourself some slack and offer yourself some grace . Striving for excellence is great . Expecting perfection is impossible . Let go of worry and fear . The majority of the things we worry about never happen and fear is paralyzing . Be strong and courageous and trust that God is at work in your life even when you don ’ t see it . Let go of doubts about the love of God . You are deeply loved and valued by the God who created you . God loved you so much , that He sent his Son to save you . Believe it and accept it .
It ’ s a new year with 365 new possibilities – 365 new sunrises and 365 new sunsets … 52 brand new weeks . Time is the only currency of lasting value . Time is the only commodity that we cannot generate . Time is the only constant in all of our lives and time is something that we never seem to have enough of . Time is precious . How will you spend your days ? How will you connect with God ? Whose life will you make better by offering the gift of your time ?
I am excited about the future of Trinity Church . God is at work in us and among us . God continues to bring new folks through our doors allowing us to love them and point them toward a God who loves them , too . Our mission and goals for 2025 at Trinity are simple . Worship God with all our hearts , souls , and minds . Grow closer to God tomorrow than we were yesterday . Love and support each other well as we navigate the joys and challenges of life . And finally , open our hearts to receive the ones God sends to us and love them well giving them a place to belong .
The invitation extended by Jesus to his earliest disciples continues to be offered to us , “ Follow me .” Will we extend that invitation to others ? We may not always know where we are going , but we know whom we are following . God is faithful . Therefore , we expect great things and we are certain we will enjoy the ride !
Blessings !
Pastor Chris chris . neikirk @ trinityna . org

jan 5 | 10:15 am | office conference room coffee with the pastor

Come and connect with Pastor Chris the first Sunday of the month . Get a special brewed coffee from the Narthex and then gather in the church office conference room for a casual “ get-to-know-you ” time for new folks and old folks . Join in on the conversation !