Worship at Trinity December 1 – December 29
This Advent series focuses on the mission of Jesus Christ , the One sent by God to bring salvation to the world . Each week we will explore how Christ ’ s coming fulfills Old Testament prophecy and how His mission impacts our own calling to be sent into the world to bring hope , love , joy , and peace . As we await His coming , we are also reminded of our responsibility as followers of Jesus to carry His message to the world . The series culminates on Christmas Eve with a celebration of the ultimate reason Christ was sent — our salvation .
Sunday , December 1 First Sunday of Advent
Sent to Bring Hope -- Isaiah 9:1-7 & Matthew 4:12-17 9:00 am “ Advent & All That Jazz ” presented by the
Trinity Jazz Ensemble . 11:11 am Casual Worship Service with Praise Band
Wednesday December 4 Kids Ministry Advent Programming 7:00 pm , Murr Hall , Gym We will have games , crafts and fun for kids .
Friday , December 6 Youth Christmas Programming 7:00 pm , Murr Hall , Gym
Sunday , December 8 Second Sunday of Advent
Sent to Bring Love -- Isaiah 11:1-10 & John 3:16-17 9:00 am Celebration Hand Bells 11:11 am Casual Worship Service with Praise Band
Saturday , December 14 , 9 am
UMM / UMW Annual Christmas Breakfast Open to all . Please come & enjoy the great music , super special food and Christian fellowship in Murr Hall . RSVP on Sundays or call 812-944-2229 . Sponsored by the Trinity Men & Women
Sunday , December 15 Third Sunday of Advent
Sent to Bring Joy -- Isaiah 35:1-10 & Luke 2:15-20 9 am “ A Weary World Rejoices ” ( Choral with Orchestra ) 11:11 am Casual Worship Service with Praise Band
Sunday , December 22 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sent to Bring Peace -- Isaiah 9:6-7 & Luke 2:13-14 9:00 am & 11:11 am Worship Services
Tuesday , December 24 , Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Sent to Save -- assorted OT & NT readings
6 pm Family Service A relaxed time of joy with music by Trinity Praise Band , soloists , favorite carols , and the reading of the Christmas Story .
8:40 pm – 9 pm Music for Organ 9:00 pm Candlelight Service A traditional Candlelight service with music provided by the Chancel Choir and reading of Scripture .
Wednesday , Dec . 25 Merry Christmas
Sunday , December 29
Christ the King Sunday Christmas Clothes -- Colossians 3:12-17 Rev . Tom McGilliard Reflecting the nature of Jesus . If we are to carry out the mission of bringing hope , peace , love and joy to our world we must put on the nature of Jesus . Our purpose in life is to become like Jesus . Romans 8:29 says “ God knew what he was doing from the very beginning . He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son .” By the grace of God , we are being transformed into the image of Jesus . We want to be clothed with the nature of Jesus .